Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rhetoric images

Many of the rhetoric images I saw today were of places or storefronts.  The one that was different was Chris's photo of the boy's basket ball team.  I had never thought about the boy's uniforms sent our an example of rhetoric, but now I realize that rhetoric is in almost everything you see but we subconsciously realize it.  When I see all the boy's in matching uniform, now that i think of it, it does send me the impression that they are organized and play well simply just because they look put together and match as a team and look like a unit.  When this project first presented its self i had a hard time thinking of what I wanted to do, but now that everyone has presented i realize that rhetoric is in much more than I would think.  Of course, i realize that almost everything that we see is trying to send some kind os message, but when I look at these things I don't sit and figure out what they are trying to tell me, it just registers subliminally. 

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