Saturday, February 7, 2009


For the pictures I took I concentrated on contrasting two different environments.  I went to Broad Ripple because I live pretty close to it, and then I went up to Carmel.  In Broad Ripple I took pictures of the various art installations they have scattered around randomly.  Most of them are all sculptures made out of some sort of metal, and all have extremely artistic characteristics.  This is common to see in Broad Ripple because the type of people and business they want to attract all fit within this arty persona.  I then went to carmel and look for art, sculptures, or monuments they might have around that compliments the characteristics they are trying to portray.  What I ended up taking pictures of was one of a couple big brick clock towers located next to the Village of West Clay.  I guess you could call it some kind of art, but what i found was very different than from Broad Ripple.  It was very dominate, proper, and wealthy looking, which is what Carmel is trying to portray in all there random things they put up to decorate.  It would be weird to think about a metal arty sculpture in the middle of a park in Carmel, because it just wouldn't fit. 

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