Monday, May 4, 2009

America the Beautiful: What We're Fighting For

D'Souza argues that the reason America is such a strong country is because collectively we have pride in what we are fighting for, and many Americans will support the cause behind this fighting.  This is the sole reason for why we are so successful behind our fighting, with the exception of Vietnam.  But, this is only because not many were behind the war in Vietnam, which caused a lack of unity and strength in our fighting and determination.  D'Souza then goes onto to elaborate on this say thing in order to fight successfully one must believe in what they are fighting for.  This is similar to Joe's experience, because he realizes that he had no idea what he was fighting for.  Even though he entered into the war at first with no thoughts of being against it, he still did not have a tangible reason for going.  Americans are expected to fight for "freedom" and "liberty" and this is usually what brings us together as a nation when we are fighting.  But, Joe realizes that this really means nothing when you are out on the battle field.  You have a hard time understanding and connecting to the idea of "freedom" when you are killing men and trying not be killed at the same time.  Now, Joe is regretting fighting in the war because he feels no reason for being in it in the first place, and because of this he lost his life for an irrelevant cause in his mind. 

1 comment:

Kenzie Kittle said...

I agree with you that Joe relates to D'souza's argument because Joe does not believe in the war and it is because he does not know what it is that he is fighting for that he can not fully comprehend what is going on and why he is fighting.