Wednesday, May 6, 2009


All I have been up to is studying for the APUSH exam on Friday.  I think i might have ADD now or something because i haven't been able to concentrate on studying.  But maybe anyone would have a hard time concentrating studying for like 5 hours straight.  I really am not nervous for the English exam.  I feel pretty prepared for it, and there is not much you can actually study for.  Umm...I'm really excited for the weekend, not because I have anything planned but because i will be done with the freaking exam!!! soooo excited!!!  I have decided that I can't take it too seriously because if i don't pass, which I probably won't I will not be too disappointed.  I can't think of anything else to say...these blogs are harder to write than our normal ones becuase there is a certain thing to write about.  Usually I am excited for the day to be over but not today becuase then I will just have to go home and study! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

1 comment:

Eryn said...

This is where I say "ignorance is bliss". I gave up on calculus and I probably got a 1, but only about an hour of my time was spent studying. It's good that you're studying because I am sure that you know more history than I know Calculus. But if you did know as little as I do, you wouldn't have to sudy becausw you would know it was a waste of time. It is good that you have decided not to worry too much though. So, knowing nothing saves you time and stress, but also leaves you with a bad grade. It's a toss up.