Thursday, May 7, 2009

If I were Joe...

if I were in Joe's position I would have to believe that I would want nothing other than to die.  Throughout the book I kept wondering why he wasn't going crazy.  I could not believe that years were going by and he was still insane.  When he was communicating the the doctor I kept wanting to yell "tell them you want to dieeee!!," but he never did!  There is something about being that confined that just really freaks me out.  I think it's like a phobia or something, because when i was first reading that he was just a stump it was almost too hard for me to read.  I kept getting freaked out.  When I read the chapter about how he thought he was being eaten by a mouse and couldn't do anything about it, I had to put the book down because it was so hard for me to read imagining if that was happening to me.  So, if I were in his position I would have to think I would concentrate on killing myself, because living would be torture.  Okay, I really have to get back to studying APUSH.

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