Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gay Marriage Rights

I do not think that the reasoning behind having same-sex marriages has any logical sense or actual  support behind it.  In my opinion, the reason it is illegal in most states is because the beliefs of many people.  To me, it's very hypocritical to outlaw gay marriage because of all the things America says it stands for.  We pride ourselves on all humans have equal opportunities and rights, but we don't live up to our promotions.  There is no proof that a gay couple is any less capable of being a family than a man and a women is, and thats something that you can never really prove.  The real basis for same-sex marriages really boils down to prejudice.  When we look back on history and see things such as segregation and slavery it looks completely ridiculous to us, and we cannot even fathom why our government and people thought those things were okay.  All of these things all have the common thread of prejudice and judgment running threw them.  However, over time as seen from many events in history we tend to get over these judgmental attitudes  and get rid of these things that portray inequality.   I think it will be the same revelation when my kids look back on history books and see things such as how gay marriage was illegal.  

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