Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Political News

Im watching CNN, and their main focus is on Indiana and Kentucky, but mainly Indiana.  Their poles right now have Obama in the lead, and in every graph or statistic they have up at the moment seem to be angled in Obama's favor.  They have a group of political speakers talking, who they say are "the best political team on televsion."  This team seems to be biased to me, because right off the bat they go into talking about how john McCain is not stable in the economic process.  They continue to up Obama saying that sense september he has never been behind in the poles.  They also are talking about how many people consider leaving Iraq as the main concern, and this is why Obama is ahead in the poles and a good thing for our country because the protection of its citizens is number one.  One of the political speakers says, "the security of citizens is the first job of the president of the United States, this is a good thing for the country, but not for John McCian's political fortunes."  They continue to talk about how McCain in a negative light.  ti would be understandable to me to have a group talking that weren't biased for one side, or even if they had half for Mcain and half for Obama, so we could hear both sides.  But, in the course of listening to each member of the 6 member group talk, not one of them seemed pro-McCain.  All their reporters are reporting out of areas where people are supporting Obama, and are continually advertising Obama's speech later tonight in chicago. In my opinion a national news station should simply report the actually news, and not present biased views.  The purpose of the news is to report what is actually happening, not their opinions about with is happening.  People are strongly influenced by what the media says, and in my opinion it is not fair to let it be influenced in this way. 

1 comment:

Kenzie Kittle said...

I agree with you that CNN was completely biased. I watched CNN for a few moments and quickly realized how against republicans they were. I feel like this is ridiculous and I think that the media should always portray both angles regardless of what their position on the election may be.